Feminism(s) and narrative(s). Of bodies, blood, and glitter





feminism, narrative, politics


This work starts from a theoretical and analytical perspective to discuss the narratives of feminism and its adjectives, its struggles, and manifestations in the public and political sphere. For this purpose, the article is divided in three parts. The first one gathers the terms feminism and gender to account for the existence of relations of domination and subordination between men and women; but also, to point out that from these categories and their concrete manifestations, analysis, criticism, and confrontation are possible. The second deals with the role of human diversity, of the different bodies and voices in the exercise of politics and its meaning, which is freedom. The third, on the other hand, points out the presence of diverse strategies for the appropriation of public sphere, rescuing that all of them have a common thread: the concern for life.



How to Cite

Feminism(s) and narrative(s). Of bodies, blood, and glitter. (2024). EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 32(4). https://doi.org/10.58299/edutec.v32i4.790