Correlation between psychological well-being and the use of video games




leisure, videogames, well-being, youth


The video games had won popularity in the last decades, their impact in the current 
society is a target for investigation from some years ago. When talking about psychological 
well-being we refer to how the subject feels within his own reality perceived, some people 
even associate it with the happiness concept. To measure the psychological well-being 
variable, we used the Ryff scales of psychological well-being, adding an own survey to get 
the time the participants use the video games, they answered the survey remotely through 
Google forms. When we analyzed the results with the program IBM SPSS, we found how video 
games can be associated in a negative way to some of the mental welfare´s subscales. We 
consider than the main factor to determine if the videogames become harmful is the time 
spent on them.



How to Cite

Correlation between psychological well-being and the use of video games. (2024). EDUCATECONCIENCIA, 32(1), 1-13.